Sunday, March 22, 2009

The first time I had a brain

Brains are good right? If you were to eat one, would you be metaphorically munching on someone else's thoughts?

This is my first post, so I'm going to be brief and to the point. I'm an ACD at a large Ad agency. I'm officially a Digital ACD, but in my private life I only allow for 3-word labels for myself.

What will proceed in the lifespan of this blog is opinions and thoughts on what's going on in Advertising in the digital space (or what passes for advertising currently). All expressed through interpretive dance. Ok probably through pictures, drawings and these word things.


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Grey Matters

I'm a Digital ACD in Advertising land. I have been in love with the internet for over 10 years now. And I have a Red Bull problem. There I said it.

I travel around different industries every week or so and look for interesting and tasty interactive bits. I hope to make this a place for ad folk to keep up to date. And I just enjoy the spelunk.

Brain Pieces from Me

"There is a creative solution for everything."

"Sometimes, to be successful with Social Media, don't start a conversation. Start an argument."

"This is no longer the Age of Information, it's the Age of Opinion."

"The work that comes out of an Agency is the result of not going crazy while doing it."

People Who Probably Read My Blog