Monday, August 31, 2009

Power Up #4: Batman: Arkham Asylum

The newest Batman game is getting a ton of great press. You play Batman sneaking around an in-mate controlled Arkham Asylum. Sounds like a recipe for greatness indeed.

I haven't played the game yet, but the online effort is worth a good word.

This is the Gotham City Municipal website. You'll find current news, links to how to pay your utility bills, and other facts/info on Gotham city. Breaking News - there's been a fire at Blackgate Prison and all the in-mates have been transferred to Arkham. Read the full story.

Then check out the comments. There are some internet forum in-jokes here, but there's also an odd message about strange things happening at the asylum..and an email address to find out more. I emailed of course, because i'm like Mulder up in the shit.

I received a rather long email from a doctor. Long email short, she gave me access to a FTP site where she had put a security video for Blackgate prison that she'd found.

The FTP site.

The security footage (amongst pictures of her family, house and fireworks). It looks like in-game video.

If you carefully watch the video you can find a guard ID number and a password...which you use to hack into:

The Arkham Care site. Where you can snoop around and find files on people. From what I've seen, there are multiple areas to gain access to, and you must find a password for each one. Videos and villian interviews from the staff are just some of the extra content you find.

If you want to spoil it for yourself, or join a conversation - i found info on it here.

ARGs are such a great way to extend the entertainment experience.


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Grey Matters

I'm a Digital ACD in Advertising land. I have been in love with the internet for over 10 years now. And I have a Red Bull problem. There I said it.

I travel around different industries every week or so and look for interesting and tasty interactive bits. I hope to make this a place for ad folk to keep up to date. And I just enjoy the spelunk.

Brain Pieces from Me

"There is a creative solution for everything."

"Sometimes, to be successful with Social Media, don't start a conversation. Start an argument."

"This is no longer the Age of Information, it's the Age of Opinion."

"The work that comes out of an Agency is the result of not going crazy while doing it."

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