Friday, July 10, 2009

Beep Beep #3: Lexus

Mastheads are getting big play nowadays. This one from Lexus is where you end up from following a TV spot link.

Some ideas just never die. I think it's due to new people turning their TV and Print minds towards the interactive side. Ideas that were tossed around 10 years ago, some tossed out, come shambling back like zombies, hungry for your clicks. Like the "Let's give the visitor the ability to change the color of our page!", or "Let's ask them questions!".

This masthead is an example of the latter. You click a hotspot and watch a short video, and then you're asked a question like: "What would keep you warm when the top is down?".

If your answer is something the masthead recognizes..

The top pops and you get a witty answer.

If you type in something dirty...

The car drives off.

Simple stuff. It seemed a bit more fun when I was actually doing it, but now that I'm writing about it, i'm thinking about taking a nap.

Better things from the auto industry to week.


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Grey Matters

I'm a Digital ACD in Advertising land. I have been in love with the internet for over 10 years now. And I have a Red Bull problem. There I said it.

I travel around different industries every week or so and look for interesting and tasty interactive bits. I hope to make this a place for ad folk to keep up to date. And I just enjoy the spelunk.

Brain Pieces from Me

"There is a creative solution for everything."

"Sometimes, to be successful with Social Media, don't start a conversation. Start an argument."

"This is no longer the Age of Information, it's the Age of Opinion."

"The work that comes out of an Agency is the result of not going crazy while doing it."

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