Monday, April 27, 2009

Silver Screen #1: Wolverine

I don't watch enough TV (as I should), but even I cannot escape the bombardment that is X-Men Origins: Wolverine. So much that I rode like Doctor Strangelove onto the web looking for its aftermath there as well.

Flash and Movie Sites are like peas and carrots. Your usual movie net-gear here, wallpapers, some trailers, character bios. And a link to a web game...

That is one of the better ones I've seen. The game has you playing Wolverine through 4 major wars, collecting "intel" in order to open exclusive content.

I couldn't help myself, I played at least one level to see what the exclusive content was. The first one was just a trailer with scenes I hadn't seen yet. The second one was a coupon for a blowjob from Storm. I stopped there to mail it in.

What's better than a fancy web game? Two fancy web games!

The X-Men Origins facebook game asks you to create a mutant, pick powers and then challenge your friends to battle. Upgrade, battle, repeat.

This game looks good but I couldn't really find any strategy behind what moves you pick to battle your friends. Interesting for a few minutes, then it's the same grind you get out of Mob Wars and all the other games of the same type on Facebook.

With 2 web games, and a console game coming out soon, we are officially red-lining the game meter. Makes me hope the movie is interactive too.

The movie itself has 57k fans on Facebook, which is good, but pales next to the 1.6 million it has on Myspace.


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Grey Matters

I'm a Digital ACD in Advertising land. I have been in love with the internet for over 10 years now. And I have a Red Bull problem. There I said it.

I travel around different industries every week or so and look for interesting and tasty interactive bits. I hope to make this a place for ad folk to keep up to date. And I just enjoy the spelunk.

Brain Pieces from Me

"There is a creative solution for everything."

"Sometimes, to be successful with Social Media, don't start a conversation. Start an argument."

"This is no longer the Age of Information, it's the Age of Opinion."

"The work that comes out of an Agency is the result of not going crazy while doing it."

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